
Command & conquer 3 wojny o tyberium
Command & conquer 3 wojny o tyberium

Think YR, with Yuri's side, if less outlandish and, you know, *interesting* they have freaky stuff(plenty of lasers and such.

command & conquer 3 wojny o tyberium

Oh, other than, of course, the Scrin(they're also faster, I think). With minor exceptions, everything here has been seen before. that essentially does not, at all, introduce any new technology or units for you to use. come on, earlier, we got stealth and underground tunnels, this is a mere repeat showing) since Generals and Zero Hour, that this obviously builds upon. however, handholding remains a constant requirement, men will wade through Tiberium, and tiny adjustments that ought to have come ages ago are not enough for these. Next to no upgrades(and yes, a couple of them are useful. It's quite evident that these have taken steps downward since EA took over. I actually had a bigger problem with Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge, pure camp), at their worst, I found *something* to love about them.

command & conquer 3 wojny o tyberium

Seriously? This is the longest gap between two titles in the overall C&C franchise, and they phone it in like this? I have to say, I enjoyed and got into every other installment up to this(yes, including Renegade, come on, it was OK.

Command & conquer 3 wojny o tyberium